What Is A LEGO® Gift With Purchase Or GWP?

What Is A LEGO® Gift With Purchase Or GWP?

These Are Highly Sought After Mini-Sets, Polybags, And Collectible Items Gifted From The LEGO® Store Or LEGO® Online Website If You Meet A Certain Purchasing Threshold… GWP, the coveted gift with purchase, is exactly what it sounds like, a small gift given to LEGO®...
This Is Why LEGO® Is Obsessed With Frogs

This Is Why LEGO® Is Obsessed With Frogs

This wonderful, 1×1 piece has made its way into LEGO® sets, meme culture, and the hearts of AFOLs. It first appeared in 2000 in set 5826 The Queen’s Room as a translucent LEGO® piece at the turn of the century. Then, the little frog appeared in 2001 in a multitude of...
Why Doesn’t LEGO® Make Military sets?

Why Doesn’t LEGO® Make Military sets?

The answer is straightforward: Because it does not align with LEGO® Group’s vision. Build LEGO®, not militaries. LEGO® incorporates what it stands for into everything it does, and this means a strict adherence to staying away from any scene, depiction, or scenario...