Few collaborative LEGO builds can surely claim to have the reach that the New Hashima project has had. It’s seen offshoots pop up all over the world, and builders are still adding to it almost two years after it started. Blake Foster is the latest to construct another cyberpunk edifice – and quite a sizable one, at that! Blake tells us that Hashimacorp Tower took almost 18 months to complete, including a 20-hour (!) long building session. That’s commitment! And I think it warrants a closer look, don’t you?

Hashimacorp Tower

We’ll start at the bottom, which – as any cyberpunk fan worth their salt will tell you – is where all the shadiest characters hang out. None to be seen here, but there is evidence of them: graffiti on the walls, a good bit of rust and wear, and a conveniently-placed police phone box.

Hashimacorp Tower

Most of the tower’s patrons apparently prefer to use the landing pad halfway up to come in and out, and this is one of my favourite details. It’s the perfect sci-fi touch, with some social commentary thrown in for good measure. It doesn’t hurt that it reminds me of the urban levels in some of my favourite Halo games!

Hashimacorp Tower

You will have noticed that the building is covered in lights, to great effect. Blake has mimicked the way that lights are used on real buildings. And I know that sounds obvious, but it really helps to sell the illusion that this could be a genuine tower from not too far in the future. Check out those treasure chest lids on the communications array, too!

Hashimacorp Tower

And we’ve saved the best for last. It’s not often we feature pictures of builders, rather than the builds they create. But nothing drives home just how tall this creation like this picture of a rightly-proud Blake. His tower is taller than he is!

Hashimacorp Tower

The post LEGO cyberpunk creation towers above everything – including its creator! appeared first on The Brothers Brick.