After a galaxy-wide sigh of relief, one of the first things that will have crossed the newly-formed New Republic’s mind will have been ‘OK, but what do we do with all this stuff?’. After all, the Empire had a some pretty formidable weapons of war that suddenly needed new purpose. Fortunately, budding entrepreneurs like LEGO builder Dominique Boeynams were on hand to transform them into something better suited for peacetime. Dominique managed to get an AT-AT all the way back to Earth (don’t ask how – I gather he had to promise a lot of freebies), chopped its top off, and now arranges safaris with a Star Wars twist. It’s actually perfect for the job; that heavy armour comes in handy when the lions get hungry, see. They tend to have better luck picking off unruly tourists doing their best Luke Skywalker impression…

Touring in the Safari AT-AT

The post A long time ago, in a savannah far, far away… appeared first on The Brothers Brick.