Bringing a 2-D trading card into the third dimension certainly feels like a job made for LEGO. And Takamichi Irie puts those bricks to work, moving the Pokémon Chikorita into the active position. The ‘Mon is an impressive recreation, extending a mushroom to the “camera” using one of its vines. And the terrain is downright astounding, brimming with vegetation and crags in front of a gradient pixelated background. But the features that take this build from astounding to jaw-droppingly awesome are all the references to items from the game surrounding the card: Master Ball, Rare Candy, Pokédex, Potion, Full Heal, and PlusPower. Even the kanji at the top of the card spells out the Japanese name of this particular pocket monster.

Pokémon Card

One more thing before attaching a Grass Energy and going in for the attack. As with all trading cards, there’s always a second side to consider. And Takamichi didn’t skimp on the details when flipping the model around. Mimicking the back of the Japanese card to a T with some dynamite lettering and the 7 circles representing the 7 different Pokémon types in the card game, it’s just as impressive as the build’s front.

Pokémon Card

The post I’ll play my Nest Ball to search out this Pokémon TCG card made of LEGO appeared first on The Brothers Brick.