Start building!

Now that Series 4 is a speck on the horizon we must set our sights on Series 5

The BrickLink Designer Program will be accepting submissions soon so here’s what yer need to know for entering yer designs into the upcoming series.

Official Announcement

Here be the details from the official BrickLink Designer Program Series 5 webpage:

BrickLink Designer Program Series 5 palette announcement

You have until 24 May, 2024 to build and submit yer design

The official Series 5 webpage states:

Start designing for Series 5.
We’re accepting submissions from May 13th – May 24th 2024. The best designs have the chance to be Series 5 sets, so get those ideas flowing!

Learn more

So be sure to read the updated guidelines and then get building!

Q&A Webinar

Anything yer want to know about Series 5 or the BrickLink Designer Program?  Here’s yer chance to ask and get answers!

BrickLink Designer Program Series Webinar

This is a photo taken of a previous webinar

The webinar webpage states:

Please join the BDP team to discuss the updates to Series 5 Submission Guidelines, learn design tips to help you model succeed and Q&A.

The webinar will be held on 8 April, 2024 at 10AM Pacific time so be sure to Register!

Inspiration from Past Series

To get yer creative juices flowing, here be some highlights from past BrickLink Designer Program series.

"The Crimson Outpost" by Brick Jester

The Crimson Outpost” by Brick Jester – debuted in Series 1

Imperial Sloop "Neptune" by Arcturus7

Imperial Sloop ‘Neptune’” by Arcturus7 – debuted in Series 2

"Seagull Bay Lighthouse Imperial Fortress" by Delusion Brick

Seagull Bay Lighthouse Imperial Fortress” by Delusion Brick – debuted in Series 3

BrickLink Designer-Program Series 4 Submission: "The Hug Island" by BrickyBricks82

The Hug Island” by BrickyBricks82 – debuted in Series 4

Are yer creative juices flowing yet?

Nay?  Well here’s some further inspiration:

There has not been one Indigo Islander creation submitted to the BrickLink Designer Program – who will be the first to change that?  Make King Kahuka happy!

Series 5 Timeline

New Palette Released

1 Apr, 2024

Update Studio to access the latest colour palette containing parts for Series 5.

Open Submission

13 — 24 May, 2024

This is your opportunity to submit your designs before the deadline on 24 May at noon Pacific US time.

Crowd Support

3 — 14 Jun, 2024

You’re invited (if you’re a BrickLink member) to vote for the LEGO Pirate submissions. Your vote weighs in alongside the BDP’s internal selection criteria and influences the designs selected for crowdfunding.


14 Jun — 19 Aug, 2024

The BrickLink Designer Team reviews each design for building experience, brand fit, and crowd favorites.

Finalists Announced

19 Aug, 2024

The BrickLink Designer Team reveals the five Series 5 designs that will proceed to Crowdfunding. Then team then collaborates with fan designers to prepare their submissions for production.

Refining Finalist Designs

2 Sep, 2024 — 1 May, 2025

The finalist designers work with the official LEGO Model Governance and Building Instructions team to make final necessary adjustments to their designs before locking them in for pre-production.


Jun 2025

You (if you’re a BrickLink member) may pre-order your favorite sets, with a limit of 2 of each set per household. All sets that receive over 3,000 pre-orders will be produced, with a maximum of 30,000 of each set will be manufactured during a limited, one-time production run.

Production and Shipping

October 2025

The LEGO Group will produce the sets in the factory and orders will be fulfilled approximately 6 months after pre-ordering. Final dates and shipping times may vary.

What be the Point?

Lost confidence in the BrickLink Design Program?

Do not despair! Next month Ominous Isle enters the Crowdfunding Phase providing YOU the opportunity to order one… or two if you’re enthusiastic for this design!

Ominous Isle's modular connection points

The modular design offers a plethora of display options

This Series 2 finalist was voted by LEGO Pirate fans throughout June 2023, and officially announced for crowdfunding  under the BrickLink Designer Program’s on 23 August, 2023.

The time for pre-orders is almost upon us…

BrickLink MOC Popup Store

It’s also reassuring to know LEGO Pirate submissions from Series 1 that didn’t pass the BrickLink Designer Team’s review weren’t completely abandoned.

BrickLink Designer MOC Pop-Up Store

Giving BrickLink Designer submissions a second chance!

The BrickLink MOC Popup Store that ran between 6 September to 15 November, 2023 offered the opportunity to purchase parts and instructions for three Series 1 submissions; “Black Fortune” by BrickMOCBay ,  “The Crimson Outpost” by Brick Jester, and “Imperial Brig” by Arselus.

So let it be known that the BrickLink Designer Program is no longer completely failing LEGO Pirates, even if it isn’t delivering as much piratey-goodness as we’d prefer.

What Do Yer Think?

Does the BrickLink Designer Program show any promise? Will you be submitting any designs to Series 5?  What about ordering Ominous Isle in the near future? Or be this a complete waste of time for LEGO Pirate fans?

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the LEGO Pirates Forum.