PxChris, our Facebook Captain has attended the recent 2024 Bricks Cascade to once again share his phenomenal LEGO Pirate Display with the world.

Bricks Cascade 2024 was held between 23-24 March at the Oregon Convention Center.

Classic Pirates will provide full coverage on the event in the near future, but for now, here be some happy snaps provided by PxChris.

LEGO Pirate Display at 2024 Bricks Cascade

Which classic LEGO Pirate sets can you spot?

pxChris in front of LEGO Pirate Display at Bricks Cascade, 2024

And this is a happy snap of PxChris – as you can see he’s very happy!

pXChris Writes:

Paul and I got interviewed by @beyondthebricktv today for our massive complete Pirates timeline display at Bricks Cascade, so that was exciting!

Very exciting indeed! More content to come…

Did Yer Attend?

If you attended Bricks Cascade 2024 and have exciting pirate information or photos to share, please sail by the LEGO Pirates Forum and introduce yerself, or contact the Classic Pirates via the Contribute Form.