What do you get when you cross knights in shining armour with the frog prince?

Tell us what they’ve won, Sir Gene Wood!

Anyone of a certain age or otherwise taking a sick day from work knows the glitzy phenomenon that is the daytime Game Show. Family Feud was a good one. I’ve spent many-a-day yelling at the TV while watching some goober lose $400 for their team because he thinks...
What do you get when you cross knights in shining armour with the frog prince?

Mind if I barge in?

New Hashima, the sprawling cyberpunk LEGO fan collaboration, is known for its towering buildings, but thanks to builders like Gerrit, the futuristic city is home to some impressive vehicles as well. The Aerox C-1 Heavy V8 Twin Engine ICS is a powerful flying tug that...
What do you get when you cross knights in shining armour with the frog prince?

You’re in good hands with the Imperial Medic Team

Being dispensable, famously banging your head on a doorway, or generally missing your targets can be taxing on the health of your average Imperial Stormtrooper. Thankfully, when calamity strikes, this LEGO stormy presented by Auto’s Builds is in the very capable hands...