Eleven years & 3,000 posts ago…

Eleven years & 3,000 posts ago…

Above is the exact photo, pulled from its original upload location, that opened the very first post on my earliest LEGO-related blog, Zeyek’s BIONICLE: Untold.  The in-character narratives of Zeyekti-Iiloptinous Mazzourel and a simultaneously-launched...
A re-launch progress update

A re-launch progress update

It’s been two weeks since I was forced to yank the e-brake and put a full stop on the JANGBRiCKS channel on YouTube (and almost everything else, for that matter).  By the time I posted my video explaining how YouTube had killed nearly all value in nearly all of...
Realizing what Patreon support could really mean

Realizing what Patreon support could really mean

This evening while pursuing my usual modus operandus (research, brainstorm, plan, repeat) regarding Patreon & properly rewarding/supporting patrons, I had a mind-clearing epiphany.  A lot of my kindest and strongest supporters have insisted that if I accept their...
Patreon preview & request for feedback

Patreon preview & request for feedback

For years I’ve gotten a consistent stream of requests for a Patreon page, PayPal “tip jar,” or other means of directly, tangibly supporting my work, and I’ve always pushed the idea away.  All that time, family & friends have tried to...
What a difference… a day makes…

What a difference… a day makes…

“Twenty-four little hours…” Deep breath. Right.  So, the video above explains it all.  Final data from YouTube’s January changes arrived and the picture is extremely bleak for me, more than twice as bad as a supposedly accurate real-world test...
Where did YouTube comments go, and what now?

Where did YouTube comments go, and what now?

It’s a little late, but YouTube today completed the second round of implementation of their changes to comply with the COPPA lawsuit settlement (that I’ve talked about quite a bit in the past) as well as some questionable add-ons they’ve bundled...