Swoop down on the unsuspecting prey

Swoop down on the unsuspecting prey

 The profile of this ship by The G Brix very much makes me think of a bird of prey swooping down it its, um, prey.I think the yellow content is bit high here, but those engine intakes are cool enough, I’ll let it pass. I don’t think those parts come in...
Blacktron on the high seas!

Blacktron on the high seas!

 Blacktron needs more boats. How about we get some more boats? Geoff Horswood built this Blacktron speed boat that really reminds me of modern type boats from the 90s.Colour scheme is good. Not always easy to get it right, but it was done right on this MOC.
Smooth and sleek

Smooth and sleek

 There aren’t enough remakes of 6933 Spectral Starguider. I’ve done a couple myself over the years, but this one by Martin Gebert is definitely more visually interesting that anything I could come up with.It’s a little heavy on the white, but other...
Is it that time of year already?

Is it that time of year already?

 When I saw that this photo was tagged Febrovery, I thought “Man, this little rover must have gotten lost from the convoy, Febrovery was over months ago!”Then I looked at the date and realized it was February. Time flies when your driving a little...
Invading your space

Invading your space

 This Aerial Intruder revamp is big enough it will seem like your personal space is gone when it swooshes by you. It uses one of the largest Lego parts, those wings to great effect.Space Man Nathan isn’t a stranger to this blog, and he does a wonderful job with...