Advent 2023 Day 5

Advent 2023 Day 5

Today’s Advent builds from Friends and Marvel are, respectively, a chonky kitty and a snowman. This chonky kitty is adorable, and it has printing on the face and front paws and some holly leaves and berries over its right eye. With the lifted tail on the back I think...
Advent 2023 Day 4

Advent 2023 Day 4

We’re four days into the Advent season, and today we complement the previous day’s models: a doghouse for that naughty puppy, and some gold spider webs for Sweater-Man. Our puppy gets a doghouse. Spider-Man gets an assortment of web parts. This year I purchased and am...
Advent 2023 Day 3

Advent 2023 Day 3

Our third 2023 Advent entries are a pooping puppy (Friends) and The Amazing Sweater-Man (Marvel). Friends is going to include a lot of adorable animals this year, and this is our first one, a puppy who’s made a little mess. Included are two poops and a shovel. In...
Advent 2023 Day 2

Advent 2023 Day 2

For the second day of the 2023 Advent season we build a LEGO Friends doorway of some kind, and a festive Quinjet from the Marvel calendar. Here’s a photo of both models and my video: Our Friends model for today is a gate or doorway in festive holiday colors. Based on...
Advent 2023 Day 1

Advent 2023 Day 1

I can’t believe it’s already December and time to crank up the old Advent Calendar engine once more! This year I purchased two of the available five calendars LEGO has released: Friends and Marvel. Like with last year, I’m doing daily YouTube videos as well as blog...
BayLUG Meeting February 4, 2023

BayLUG Meeting February 4, 2023

BayLUG had its annual business meeting on February 4th at the Bay Area Family Church in San Leandro. I attended along with my latest model, the ????? ??????? flag mosaic/sign. I also got back my models from the Día de los Muertos 2022 display at the museum in Palo...