This Series 3 LEGO® Minifigure Carries A Hefty Tag But It Is Great For LOTR MOC World-Building

This minfigiure ain’t cheap. But it slaps! The series 3 LEGO® minifigure elf dropped as part of the CMF LEGO® Minifigure line in January 2011. As you probably guessed it, this CMF release was highly sought after due to the intricately detailed and well-printed LEGO® minifigure pictured here. The LEGO® Elf minifigure from series 3 instantly became a classic due to its outstanding features.

Also, this minifig had the ability to seriously spice up your LEGO® LOTR mocs unofficially joining the line-up of LEGO® LOTR minifigures.

LEGO® Series 3 Elf Against A White Background

The Elf Minifigure Design And Details

The head is masterfully printed with exceptional brown, black, and orange lines to make this male elf LEGO® minifigure look jutting and older. His torso and legs have brown, green, silver, and black accents that match the colors of Lord of the Rings woodland elves quite nicely! The only con to this fig’s coloring is the head—it comes in the classic LEGO® yellow hue only.

Accessories For This LOTR-Friendly LEGO® Minifigure

You will not find the printing on this shield anywhere else. The deer emblem meshes so well with the green, brown, and silver of this shield. Also, the printing is on part 2586, which is the LEGO® classic ovoid shield (the oval shield).

Of course, there is no LEGO® Series 3 CMF Elf is complete without a bow! Included is a brown LEGO® bow that nicely fits the theme of the overall minifigure.

Get Your Hands On Tons Of These LEGO® Elf Minifigures To Build Your Elven Army

For the kicker here, yeah, these guys will run you $40 a pop. If you are lucky, you might be able to find him on third-party platforms for half of that. If you are truly dedicated and want to build an insane MOC for LEGO® Lord of the Rings, these guys are definitely cheaper than other expensive LOTR LEGO® sets.

I absolutely adore the LEGO® Series 3 Elf Warrior. It wasn’t cheap, but I have 10 of them set up fighting some LEGO® Uruk-Hai in a display I built on my shelf. Back in my day, when these first came out, you could feel for them in a pack that ran you an MSRP of $2.99. Honestly, sometimes I wish I sold them now and never opened them up — because they are worth a fortune!

The post LEGO® CMF Series 3 Elf: Your Gateway Minifig To An Lord Of The Rings MOC In 2025 appeared first on Baumlinks.