LEGO® uses them to down on costs and overhead.

Almost every set comes with a single (or sometimes multiple) sheets of stickers you can meticulously lay on top of your LEGO® bricks. These add greater dimensions of detail to your existing LEGO® build. Employing the use of these stickers allows LEGO® to mold the same brick for different sets, while maintaining specific design accents unique to each set. It is genius really: you divide up the set by segmenting the molding of bricks and the printing of stickers. It is significantly cheaper than printing designs on LEGO® sets, changing your manufacturing process, all for a set with an average shelf life of 2 years.

LEGO Spongebob Minifigure In Squirrel Suit

Will LEGO® Stop Using Stickers?

Yes! For LEGO® cheaper doesn’t always mean better for the environment. LEGO® is at a point where they will be able to phase out single-use plastics from their sets by 2025. This means that stickers might be a thing of the past. It is not a terrible idea to stock up on sets with stickers for your LEGO® investing strategy.

But Wait, What If My Set Is Missing Stickers?

Don’t fret, if you head on over to the LEGO® website, they will be more than happy to assist you in getting a fresh set of stickers shipped to you. LEGO® customer service is the cream of the crop.

How Do I Remove A LEGO® Sticker?

This is a really simple process that should not take a lot of time. Heat the LEGO® sticker on the brick for 30 seconds with a hair dryer. Be extremely careful and ensure you have the hair dryer on a medium-heat setting. Then, lightly pull the LEGO® sticker with a pair of tweezers until it comes off. Perform this process slowly, and repeat.

Can LEGO® Stickers Get Wet?

LEGO® stickers are made of vinyl and an exceptionally durable adhesive. However, it is never recommended to get your LEGO® bricks wet as this can result in a lot of mildew growth on your bricks. If you need to clean a stickered-LEGO® brick, I would use a slightly damp cloth to remove any excess grime or dirt.

Get The Stickers While You Still Can!

With stickers being such an iconic part of the LEGO® build process, stock up on sets that have them while supplies last. You are in the race for 2025, due to the LEGO® company’s ecologically savvy policies. It is a cathartic process to gently lay down stickers and watch them align with bricks – especially for all the brick fans out there.

The post Why Does LEGO® Use Stickers? appeared first on Baumlinks.