Ah, the Well of Souls. A location so synonymous with Indiana Jones, it’s one of the few that has been represented more than once in an official LEGO set. OK, it’ only been twice so far, but still, they were both neat. Unfortunately, they’ve both been outdone somewhat by Cube Brick‘s brilliant cross-sectional diorama! They’ve raided their collection of snakes to immortalise one of the most iconic scenes in the franchise.

Indiana Jones and the Well of Souls

The two statues of Anubis are a real highlight of this build. What’s the plural of Anubis? Anubises? Anubae? Whatever it is, the swords for a reed skirt look great. The wheels and tyres on the limbs, the windscreen pieces for shoulders and pecs, and the gold highlights all combine for a very convincing carved stone look.

Indiana Jones and the Well of Souls

But this build’s real party trick only becomes apparent in the dark. In the film, everyone’s favourite archaeologist uses fire to disperse the snakes – and those same torches light up here! It allows for some superb heroic shots to be created. For someone so afraid of snakes, Indy is putting on a very brave face.

Indiana Jones and the Well of Souls

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