Lee Nuo has graced us with a pair of pretty pagodas modeled entirely in LEGO! These very real (and very visit-able) pagodas in Kaohsiung, Taiwan are equal parts elegant and exciting with mythical animal-shaped tunnel entrances into each building. The animal theming continues up to the first roof of each tower, with miniature versions of their respective creatures decorating the railing. The big dragon – eating some tourists – has a perfectly modeled fringe made of blue flames and Hero Factory lightning bolts. If you like pagodas, there’s more in our archives, as well as more great tigers and dragons (including a certain recent Build-of-the-Year!) I’ve certainly found Lee’s build inspiring and I’d love to go visit some day. If you went, which animal would you prefer to be eaten by?

高雄左營蓮池潭龍虎塔- Kaohsiung Zuoying Lotus Pond Dragon and Tiger Pagodas

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