Adult LEGO builders are an amazing and imaginative lot. While most who buy LEGO are happy with building sets as per the instructions and calling it a day, an elite bunch take it a step further when they create from scratch. While opinions may vary, we’ve crunched numbers, done some analytics stuff and came up with The Brothers Brick top 10 creations of 2024 based on views. Without further ado, here’s what you came for.
King Gleeok starts off our list with a thunderous roar and three times the mayhem. Mitch Phillips demonstrates some serious mastery of both System and Bionicle parts bringing this Hyrule baddie to life. We’re all quite awestruck to be sure.
Speaking of awestruck, when we saw The Dark Knight Rises I think I can speak for most that we were all- well, in awe of The Bat. I mean, we knew Batman flies around in something usually called The Batwing but this was something completely different. Lubeee replicates the complicated shape nicely, earning its place among the best creations of 2024.
Rolling in a number eight on our list is likely the most massive rover we’ve ever featured here on TBB. Scott Wilhelm took advantage of the extra day in February this year to present this colossal beast. At 117 studs long and chock full of play features, this rover is not to be missed.
The Empress, built by Jean-Philippe Leroux is over 5 feet long, boasts over 23,000 LEGO bricks and weighs over 43 lbs. (Not that we’d ask a lady her weight.) She’s a beauty from any angle and comfortably graces or number seven spot.
Our number six entry arrived early in the year but remained one of our most viewed LEGO creations of the year. From the mind of Donny Chen, this Chinese New Year dragon can stretch out to 2 meters long and contains 1300 2×4 oval tiles as golden scales.
Carl Greatrix gives the Imperial AT-ST the USC treatment and the end result is likely the most screen accurate AT-ST we’ve ever seen in LEGO. Carl handles the notoriously wobbly design with a grace that would please Emperor Palpatine and clearly a large number of our readers.
Space Mountain has entertained Disney parks and Tomorrowland goers since 1975 while LEGO Masters Japan contestant Kon has entertained us since early July with their masterful rendition of the famous ride. This build also marked a bittersweet moment as fans of the ride saw its final run at the Tokyo park.
Redemption and rebirth are the themes for our number three slot. Dan V presented a fiery phoenix with a bevy of masterful build techniques. We can’t help but feel a bit of sorrow for the charred figures below but from the ashes emerges something new and magnificent.
Treasure Planet was a box office misfire for Disney. However, in the heart and mind of Daniel Church the nautical/ cosmic adventure remained a beacon of inspiration with this 3,000 piece RLS Legacy. Low cinematic ratings be damned as Daniel and legions of our readers loved this build enough to sail it into our respectable number two spot.
For the number one spot we all stand united in our love for dinosaurs and giant freakin’ robots! Builder Moko has been impressing us for nearly 20 years with LEGO mechs that mix style with unmatched play function and this Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dino Megazord towers above all. Not only do the five Dinozords combine to form this robot, they also combine in tank mode. An impressive feat indeed!
That wraps up our top 10 LEGO creations of 2024 based on clicks and views. Which were your favorites? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading and a heartfelt thank you goes out to our readers and the amazing builders that we feature. Stay tuned as we’ll surely bring more amazing LEGO creations in the new year.
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