If Earth ever gets invaded by aliens, you’ll want to look to the LEGO Voltes V by Marco de Bon for the defense! This giant robot equipped with the Sword of Heaven (the hilt sits across its chest in the jagged red line) packs enough punch to defeat any monster the alien Boazanians can throw at it. But that’s not all – this LEGO creation holds a secret!
The Voltes V is a combining robot! So of course Marco had to build his model to combine and split apart too. The fighter in the center transforms into the head and jetpack, the torso and arms are made of the upper two sub-machines, and the bottom two form the legs and feet. With little robots, and five intrepid heroes, any monster of the week won’t stand a chance! So “let’s volt in” and save the world from the alien menace. And if you like mechs, be sure to check out our Mecha archives and Marco’s Flickr for more walkin’ blockin’ robots!
The post A five-piece blast from the robo-past! appeared first on The Brothers Brick.