December 13th! Here in Sweden, today is Lucia, a celebration of songs and lights to mark the darkest day of winter. Today we feast on “lussekatter” saffron-flavored buns and listen to the youth dressed as white-robed Lucia, star boys, Santas, and gingerbread men as they sing carols. Thanks to our Danish neighbors, it’s also the day when we open the 13th door of our LEGO advent calendars: Friends, Disney, City, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Spider-man await!
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for lucky day 13…
Today in the Disney calendar we have a small sled for Elsa. Friends follows City’s lead with a baby and a bottle, only this tot comes with a cradle build.
Minifigs are the name of the game in our next calendars. Ravenclaw’s crest debuts with Cho Chang in the Harry Potter gift. City offers a woman with skates, scarf, cookie and a helicopter-themed sweater.
Rounding out the day, we get a Jedi shuttle from Star Wars. Spider-man gifts us the one and only Spider-man – Miles Morales! Miles sports a fun ugly sweater, headphones, and a chonky mobile phone.
Two ugly sweaters and s swaddled baby? Seems like characters have the edge over builds today, but what do the others think?
Theo: Wow, City is really spoiling us with the Christmas jumpers. And I presume that’s a cradle, but next to the Disney build I can’t help but think it would make a great sled.
Daniel: Love the T-6 jedi shuttle. Disney and Friends designers have got to be working in the same cubicle row with their builds so closely related.
Kyle: I mean, LEGO City knows what it’s doing with those sweaters. Another win for them!
Bre: Ditto on the sweaters. Deep breath from the incoming Ravenclaw statue...
Sweaters for the win!
Miles, put down your phone and rescue that baby!
Sorry, Cho and Miles. The B2 Super Battle Droid Nanny is undergoing repairs. You’re on baby duty today.
Wait, there’s another nanny robot we could bring in to help!
Leia and her new pal Ashoka reminisce about vehicles they’ve been on.
What delights will tomorrow bring? Come back tomorrow for six more advent gifts. And be sure to share your thoughts on today’s offerings in the comments!
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