The arrival of The Mandalorian and Grogu on the silver screen marks a monumental leap for the beloved duo from the Disney+ sensation. In an electrifying announcement by Lucasfilm, the next installment in the Star Wars saga is poised to showcase this dynamic pair.
Under the direction of Jon Favreau, the anticipated film, titled The Mandalorian and Grogu, is scheduled to commence filming within the year, as reported by Slash Film. With Disney and Lucasfilm’s palpable confidence, this movie is expected to be another imminent theatrical gem within the franchise.
Resurgence of Star Wars on the Big Screen
In recent years, Star Wars predominantly found its home on the small screen through Disney+, anchored by the monumental success of The Mandalorian. Accompanied by other notable shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, and The Book of Boba Fett, the franchise encountered its last silver screen presence in 2019’s The Rise of Skywalker, concluding the sequel trilogy.
Disney has earmarked three release dates for forthcoming Star Wars films, with two anticipated to debut in 2026 and one scheduled for December 2027. Concurrently, several other projects are underway, including Filoni’s venture set within the expansive Mando-verse.
LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian and Grogu Tie-In Sets a Real Possibility
As you may know, the abovementioned Disney+ series managed to have one or two LEGO Star Wars sets under their belt, with The Mandalorian having a total of more than 10 LEGO tie-in sets beginning in 2019. As of today, the series has the most number of LEGO Star Wars tie-in sets as compared to its counterparts in the Star Wars universe.
While the official release date for The Mandalorian and Grogu movie remains undisclosed, the LEGO fandom has begun speculating on the possible LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian and Grogu sets will most likely come in order. And since this is a major Star Wars film slated to be released sometime soon, we can also expect a good number of LEGO tie-in sets that may come its way.
Everything is up in the air, so to speak concerning the exact LEGO sets that may come along with the film. We do not know yet what direction the story will take or what will happen to the duo. But if there is anything that we can be sure about, I’m pretty positive that the LEGO Design Team is most likely working out their design considering that it takes a couple of years or so to finalize any LEGO Star Wars set based on a film.
I guess we just have to wait and see within this year for any developments along this line. Drop your best guesses for any LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian and Grogu sets that you think will come up eventually.
The post The Mandalorian and Grogu Movie is Happening – and Most Likely a Couple of LEGO Sets as Well appeared first on The Brick Show.