LEGO MASTERS is a reality show, that started in 2017 in Great Britain. In the show, contestants compete in building the best LEGO project within a time limit. After each build, a jury judges the projects, and sends one team home. The show has rapidly expanded to other countries like Germany, The US and Australia. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the show is brought in a combined effort between RTL and VTM. Normally I’m not a fan of competitions or reality TV, but since it has LEGO in the title, I had to watch it. It quickly became a family tradition routine to watch the episode on Sunday morning. The season’s final is airing tonight. In this season, the builds are judged by LEGO Designer Bas Brederode, in the show known as The Brick Master. Last Tuesday, I spoke with him about LEGO MASTERS and his work as a senior-designer at The LEGO Group.