by Lukas Mack

Buildapalooza was absolutely bustling again Monday night with a bumper turnout! There’s so much to catch you up on so I better just get a move on here with all the prizes, builds and general hullabaloo that is WA’s biggest LEGO build night.

Just real quick for those new or wishing to come along to one of our build nights. Buildapalooza is PerthLUG’s regular social event where on the second Monday of the month we bring along a Lego set and just build and socialise. We’re a friendly bunch from all walks of life. It’s just $5 for non-members to help keep the lights on. More details at the bottom of the page.

Ok, now to all those prizes! This month’s Members’ Draw certainly didn’t disappoint. We gave away another 6 (SIX!) Lego sets to paid members via the divine will of the random bingo barrel. On top of membership perks like cool brick badges, the most profitable has got to be having your name thrown into the Members’ Draw even if you can’t make the night or have to leave early. For four lucky members absent Monday night I’d look awfully close to the names below!

Members’ Draw

Tiny Plants 10329 (Kindly donated by The LEGO Group): Di Z
Dried Flower Centrepiece 10314 (Kindly donated by The LEGO Group): Pam H
Rocket & Baby Groot 76282: Lee A
Isabela’s Flowerpot 43237: Em Z
Plum Blossom 10369: Ben H
Lamborghini Lambo V12 Vision GT Super Car 76923: Eric W

We also had an extra special Bonus Raffle; a totally optional draw anyone can enter with tickets limited to 100 numbers only. At just two bucks each, awfully tempting I’d say for something like this month’s beauty of a set. Congrats to Michael & Toby for winning what has got to be on many a most-wanted list: the classy Retro Radio 10334 complete with that new fancy sound brick. Lucky!!! And that’s ‘all’ for prizes this month, congratulations from the team to all our winners!

Before you go thinking Buildapalooza is all about the prizes, some of us get up to some serious sorting work. Not me of course, I just take the pictures but the Parts Draft crew carried on this month without their usual sorter-in-chief Ben. No excuses buddy! What’s this Part’s Draft thing? The Parts Draft is a great way to bring along one set and take home bulk-sorted parts for your collection. For more information just follow us over at the PerthLUG Facebook page but in short, it’s a wonderful resource for any MOC builder. August’s sacrificial set was the Harry Potter – Hogwarts castle Owlery. Poor owls.

Oh, we also, uh, build Lego at these alleged Build Nights too! I have the photographic evidence right here! Each month I go about butting into conversations and stealing pics, all to bring you lot a little snapshot (pardon the pun) of what people get up to on the night. In all seriousness, thank you for everyone’s patience in allowing me to share your builds with those who couldn’t make it, didn’t catch a glimpse on the night or are just curious about what we get up to at all.

The new Botanical releases certainly proved popular this month. Kayleigh couldn’t resist snapping up both the Chrysanthemum and the Plum Blossom, on day 1 I suspect, while Liam too was in a positively flowery mood.

And from the looks of Michael, Sophie and Tyron’s ad hoc display, it would appear space babies come from Plum Trees. Who knew?!

Rod couldn’t help but leap onto the camera lens with his classic Aquazone and Aqua Raiders builds. And who could resist him, ah, them I mean. Those are some truly nostalgic golden sets for sure.

Not everyone builds a set at Buildapalooza, some talented people will bring along a MOC or project they’re working on. Sully’s post-apocalypse Mad Max-inspired terrors on wheels are so dynamic and gloriously detailed in various bits and bones. Some great part usage throughout – is that the lower jaw from a shark or killer whale on that cannon?! Both terrifying and terrific work – awesome stuff buddy.

And I had the wondrous fortune to have the opportunity to chat with some recent returnees from Lego House and the Insider Tour. Yeah, the real deal folks – we’re talking Billund, Denmark! First off Theodore showed me some of his exclusive sets straight from Lego HQ and the jealousy joy on my face must’ve been clearly visible. Good on you young fella. A journey not soon forgotten I’m sure!

It wasn’t just Theodore and fam, entirely separately I stumbled upon Helena and Doug who graciously brought back their own tales from inside the heart of the big plastic brick Co. From hearing about the vault to the designers’ insights I was entirely enthralled. Did I mention they each won awards on the tour for building competitions?! Incredible stuff. I dragged them out of their seats to show off their builds and trophies here because the talent around these parts constantly amazes me and deserves to be highlighted. Thanks for indulging me folks.

And that’s about it for this month’s Break Down! What an epic issue and what a great night it was. If you’re interested in coming to one of our build nights, Buildapalooza is back again next month as usual on the second Monday. That’s the 9th of September at our normal time and place; 7-11pm at John McGrath Pavilion off Hensman St, South Perth. Everyone is absolutely welcome and we hope to catch you all then!


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