Did you know the FIRST® Robotics Competition CRESCEDNOSM presented by Haas season launches this Saturday, January 6   

  • Watch the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition Kickoff on Saturday, January 6, 2024, at 12:00 pm ET to find out what game teams will be playing this year. How is it related to the overarching 2023-2024 season theme of FIRST® IN SHOWSM  and the FIRST® LEGO® League MASTERPIECESM season? 
  • Can you make a mini version of the FIRST Robotics Competition game using your Six Bricks or other materials? Create a model of the game field together and use your bricks to pretend you’re playing the CRESCENDO game. Take it a step further by designing a way to play your own version of the game. How will your “robots” score points in the game you create? Play the game you create with your family. 

Take your play a step further by adding these activities and playing the Discover More game, adding new building materials, expanding your builds, and coming up with your own activities playing together however your family likes to have fun.  

Share your builds with us on social media using #MASTERPIECE and don’t forget to tag @FIRSTLEGOLeague!