Many motors make this massive LEGO MAZ mobile!

He has the whole world in his hands

This giant LEGO ant carrying the entire Earth by Plaåtart’s Creations doesn’t seem so farfetched considering that ants can carry 100 times their weight. That would be the equivalent of me lifting a semi-truck! Meanwhile, here I am straining to get a gallon of milk out...
Many motors make this massive LEGO MAZ mobile!

X-treme makeover, X-wing edition

Over 25 years of LEGO Star Wars, we’ve seen at least 10 different Tie Fighter variants but the beloved X-wing has only ever come in two flavors: your classic T-65, or the modestly upgraded Resistance era T-70. True, the “good guys” have a veritable alphabet of other...
Many motors make this massive LEGO MAZ mobile!

Hitting the slopes in LEGO – literally

The end of August (and summer) signals the start of many countdowns. Some will be eagerly awaiting spooky season, while others will already be counting down the days until LEGO sets are wrapped under the Christmas tree. But just like Ciamosław Ciamek, I, too, am...