Feeling a little crabby today.

Feeling a little crabby today.

 I’ve been seeing a lot of crabs popping up on my Flickr feed lately. Apparently there is some Crab-Collab going on. Rubblemaker joins it with a Blacktron 1 crab. Clearly a person with great taste.I always smile when someone utilizes Bionicle parts well, and the...
Double the intrusion!

Double the intrusion!

 A second MOC this year based on the Aerial Intruder? I must have accidentally sacrificed a goat or something. Robert Fillmore brings us this beefy, twin cockpit craft that is clearly an Aerial Intruder on steroids. I love it. I need more of this!There’s no...
Sleek and modern

Sleek and modern

 This Cosmic Gemini is a truly wonderful new take on the Aerial Intruder. Not a stud to be seen, and curves everywhere. It’s a bit challenging to be so curving in Blacktron 2, for there aren’t many curvy trans neon green canopies to work with, but...
Watch out for asteroids

Watch out for asteroids

 Or in this case, watch out for what may be lurking inside the asteroid field. Gaurav Thakur has been featured before on this blog, And I suspect will again, if creations like this keep popping up in their Flickr stream!
Resistance is futile

Resistance is futile

 This rather abstract looking squared rover really gives of Borg vibes, don’t you think? An old Febrovery build by Walter Whiteside Jr. I guess he couldn’t wait a few more days til this years Febrovery?