Universal’s Jurassic franchise is set to continue next year with Jurassic World Rebirth. According to the film’s synopsis, it’s set “Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, the planet’s ecology has proven largely inhospitable to dinosaurs. Those remaining exist in isolated equatorial environments with climates resembling the one in which they once thrived. The three most colossal creatures within that tropical biosphere hold the key to a drug that will bring miraculous life-saving benefits to humankind.” Although it exists in the same universe as the Jurassic Park and World trilogies along with the animated Netflix shows, Rebirth will feature a brand new cast. It’s extremely safe to assume the new film will inspire future LEGO® sets. It’s a popular theme which continues to spawn sets. Check out the teaser below and Jurassic World: Rebirth will hit cinemas in July.

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