No Starch Press will publish a brand new LEGO® focused title, The LEGO Builder’s Handbook in November. This new title offers a comprehensive guide to LEGO build techniques to help elevate your LEGO builds. I’ve been flicking through the digital version and it features plenty of interesting tips even seasoned LEGO builders would find useful. It covers the LEGO System, which is the collective name given to building with basic LEGO elements. It then offers advice on how to get a little more creative with your builds by using elements to achieve unique finishes. Finally, it also covers digital building, which is great for those who have great build ideas but not the bricks to create them. I’ll cover more in a full review, but from what I’ve seen so far it’s The LEGO Builder’s Handbook is an essential resource for LEGO builders regardless of experience. Offering both a detailed and visual journey into getting the most from your LEGO bricks.
You can pre-order the book now from No Starch Press and save 25% using the unique discount code ‘BRICKSFANZ‘ code expires September 12th, 2024. You’ll receive both the physical and digital versions of the book.
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